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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Star Trek franchise

    Ever since Star Trek TNG ended things have never been the same for this franchise, shows like DS9, Voyager and Enterprise were okay but they didn't live up to TNG in ratings or in quality. Even the last two TNG films were a step down.

    My question is, how do they revitalize this franchise? In films and in TV, where do they go now?

    I think they need to go a few hundred years into the future, TNG, DS9 and Voyager were all in the same timeline, we need something new, we need to see technology that will inspire and astound us once again. Once Enterprise is over they should take a break for one or two years and maybe make a couple of mini series, perhaps a mini series that doesn't focus on the Federation, or a story based on one of the books.

  2. #2
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    United States
    Well, first off, to me DS9 and TNG are on the same level, I loved both of them... I've been reliving some great DS9 memories lately on SpikeTV.
    As for the recent movies, I loved Generations and First Contact... although neither of them were all they could've been.
    I've been watching Enterprise once in awhile... the first thing that bugged me about that one is the intro... country music? The idea for it is ok, but here's an issue they've kind of blurred over... the technology in this show looks much more advanced than the original Star Trek, yet it's supposed to take place before it?? I realize they're trying to make it seem like a realistic timeline from now, and obviously our space ships would look more advanced than on the original show, but that still bugs me. It feels almost as if they shouldn't of even gone there and kept the timeline moving forward.
    I think the shows started heading downward when they showed up on UPN... Voyager, and Enterprise. They're OK shows that I watch, but still, nowhere near as good as DS9 and TNG.
    What to do to revitalize the franchise? I think the miniseries idea is a good one, pick one of the more popular books, maybe from DS9 or TNG, and make it to a miniseries or TV movie... and get it on a popular network! Not UPN... try and get it on NBC or something. I don't know how that would work out since Paramount owns the rights, but it would be the smart move. I think it would attract a whole new audience to the franchise. Good idea!

  3. #3
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    Feb 2001
    Funny that you bring this up because this news just came out for the future of Star Trek

    If your too lazy to click on it, it basically says there might be a prequel Star Trek that shows how Starfleet was created and goes through the Academy. SHould have some really kickass action then. Enterprise is now back on the air and the conclusion to Star Trek's best ever episode was very good. This season for Enterprise is fantastic!

    For some discussion about new Enterprise, here is a good thread:
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Star Trek is about morality and values.... and last entries in franchise failed that (maybe becouse of current society's extremely low morality and values standings), they just want to make Star Trek suitable fol larger audience ... in Star Trek's best years it was annother way around.
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  5. #5
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    Apr 2004
    They don't have to make a big action movie, they could make a movie where they run into a strange species that plays with their mind or something, their was some great episodes like that on TNG. They can go with a $40 million budget and they can make a profit no problem.

    One thing they need is a great director, Bryan Singer is a huge fan, maybe they can give it to him and let him go where he wants with it.

    They need to move forward not backward once again, Rick Berman is a moron.
    Last edited by omega; 04-23-2004 at 02:03 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Dallas, TX
    T'pol boinked a guy! (gasps!)

    I can't really say how I want Star Trek to change. I don't like a attitude girl with a hot body to assist the captain anymore. That's the main reason why TNG is my favorite. I really shall buy their dvds and watch it anytime I want...

    They shall do a "mean" Star Trek if they're gonna try something new. Because if they do try something new, then what is the surprise? If they're mean! They go from one planet to another and attack! Have a battle! AWESOME!!! :big grin:

    So it would be kinda oppositie. Instead of pleading peace... lets plead war!

    (okay I've lived on earth too long)
    "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Greenfield, IN (near Indianapolis), USA
    I think Trek has tried too hard to branch out to a wider audience. I think it needs to focus on its fans (what few are left after alienating them by going for a larger audience) and do something the fans want to see.

    I read one time that at one point, 52 % of Americans said they liked Star Trek. That is an incredible fan base right there.

    I'm not sure where to go, specifically. Q might be a good start. Maybe mix the various generations. Just stay away from these "If you have never seen Star Trek before, then you won't be lost, but if you have seen Star Trek, be sure to pay attention to this line, this line, and this scene for deeper references."

    Of course, if you ask me, Star Trek has been going downhill since the first series went off the air (movies 2,4, and 6 excluded), but that is just my opinion.
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  8. #8
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    Q is great but he was overused in Voyager just like the Borg were.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by omega
    Q is great but he was overused in Voyager just like the Borg were.
    Quite true.

    Ok I know... first Neo shows up and tells them to free their minds, but they're like hey, we're in space what are you talking about? And then they find out they're in the Matrix, as he flies around in space like Superman. Then Wolverine and Lara Croft show up, have sex on the bridge, and go on adventures with the crew!! How exciting!! This is when T'pol becomes even more human again and cuts her pointy ears off in a fit of insanity. Then the Borg and Q show up, and everyone has a hearty laugh while drinking earl grey!

    I mean, that would only appeal to Star Trek fans... right?
    Last edited by Shrubz; 04-28-2004 at 09:41 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Greenfield, IN (near Indianapolis), USA
    Quote Originally Posted by omega
    Q is great but he was overused in Voyager just like the Borg were.
    He was "overused" in The Next Generation, not Voyager.

    In seven seasons of TNG, I think Q appeared in 9 episodes (maybe more? I'm not sure).

    In seven seasons of DS9, he appeared in just 1 episode.

    In seven seasons of Voyager, he only appeared in 3 episodes.

    You're right, though, the Borg were somewhat overused in Voyager, but then, they were in the Borg's corner of the galaxy. I'm surprised it took them as long as it did for them to bump into the Borg. They didn't show up until the end of season 3.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2004
    I was sure that Q was in a few two part episodes of Vayager but I could be wrong.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Greenfield, IN (near Indianapolis), USA
    Nope, 3, and I can tell you which they are (mostly)

    The first was an episode called "Death Wish". Q and another Q are on Voyager arguing whether a Q should have the right to commit suicide. Without a doubt my favorite of the three.

    The second is called "The Q and the Gray" when Q leads a rebellion in the Continuum. It ended with Q and another Q concieving a child.

    The third and last episode had Q bringing his teenage son on board Voyager. Sorry, don't remember the name of that one off the top of my head.

  13. #13
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    Kicking Harry Potter's ***!!!!!!!
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