hello , I am currently doing a research on 'women and film'. If you're bored please help me fill in this questionnaire because i REALLY need your answers! As this will help me in my exam. thanks in advance and type away!!

1. how old are you?

2. Gender?

3. In which way do you think films such as Tomb Raider, Scream, Alien, Legally Blonde represent women ?
please select : Good or Bad

[B4.]Which one of the above do you think the director intended to represent the female subject?[/B]

5. (a)Who is your favourite woman action hero(ine)? Which film does she star in?

(B) why?

6. (A)Who is your favourite MALE action hero? Which film does he star in?
(B) why?

7. Most female action hero(ines) are shown on screen as objects of desire.
(The are created to look gorgeous to appeal and satisfy the men)
Select from : strongly agree,agree,disagree, strongly disagree,i dont know

8. Answer if MALE
Would you enjoy watchin a film where the female subject was a butch ( masculine) character more than a femme character?
e.g. Ripley from Alien
select from : yes, no , i dont know

9. Answer if FEMALE
The films which involve strong and dominant female characters, are positive to the film industry. they are an inspiration to women, encourages them and gives them sense of empowerment.
select from: strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree

please please please help me fill in some answers!!! =)

10. Do you think more of these films should be produced?
yes ? no?