Miami Vice - 4 /5

Mann is da' man! His style is amazing. Everything about the look of this movie is great and so is his use of music. My only complaint about the look is that I don't think digital is fully matured yet. There are some moments that just don't look all that great and weird. Other than that the movie is a real treat for the eyes. I especially liked the Havana portion and the gun fight at the end

The plot isn't really anything new that we haven't seen before but it works. Now the audience I was with seemed to be made up mostly of about 23 year old's and under who seemed less interested in paying attention and more interested in complaining. One girl behind me asked another girl what was going on towards the end and she replied that she had no idea for most of the movie. There were large groups that walked out during various points in the movie. I also heard several "I fell asleep" comments when leaving. To be fair the movie does drag in certain parts but overall it's not a complicated movie to watch and was very entertaining. Mind you I guess it depends on what you are expecting going in and I have a feeling they thought they were going to be watching Bad Boys.