Past Tense - The Damned And Absurd Part III


Some odds and ends.

1) This was the first Blu-Ray release to have a 'picture-in-picture" (Profile 1.1) feature. But not that great of an extra since... A) You could pretty much only access through PS3 players. The only stand alone BD player that could was the Panasonic BD30. B)

AND what was shown in the second screen often had nothing to do with what you're watching.

2) This was the first of the "Resident Evil" movies NOT to have a VHS release, the films before did. How crazy is that?

3) This was the last of the RE films where the DVD version had the same extras as BD (minus that PiP - which as it turns out was sliced up moments from the featurettes on the disc).

Something else; that Wal-Mart exclusive, two disc set later appeared at Best Buy, minus that sticker - I can only assume that Sony extended the expiration on the Digital Copy.

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You know the drill, five titles. Find them where you can and watch with friends or... alone in the dark.

"Dark City: Director's Cut" (1998)
A man wakes up in a seedy motel with no memory of how he got there or his name. It becomes clear, rather quickly - he's wanted by multiple people. One of which is the police seeking him for a series of murders, including a dead prostitute - ritualistically killed in his room. And by an unknown group of men called "The Strangers". The pursuit starts his quest to uncover his past - is he a forgotten serial-killer? Why is this metropolis in perpetual twilight? Who is John Murdoch? Who is Dr. Schreber? Are these gray skinned men part of a conspiracy? The deeper he goes, the more shattering the truth becomes. What is reality? Why can't anybody leave the city? A sci-fi, film noir feature. Go with the director's cut, a richer film.
New Line Home Entertainment - 2008 -NR

"Jeruzalem" (2015)
The biblical apocalypse has arrived. A found footage feature, Google Glass. Americans Rachel Klein and Sarah Pullman have decided to vacation in Tel Aviv, Israel; before that happens they meet university student Kevin Reed. He offers to take the young women on a private tour of Jerusalem, Sarah fancies him and convinces Rachel to join. Along the way they add a fourth; Omar, a local Palestinian - son of their hostel owner. The two couples are having a good time, partying and touring. Then it all comes crashing down... the gates of Hell have opened. What is reported as terrorist attacks - isn't. Jerusalem is on lock down (locale on curfew), quarantined - anyone trying to escape is shot dead; the military is carpet bombing parts of the city. The four attempt to flee by underground tunnels and find the true reason, demons. Not just the damned, it's an infection and more than one of their group has been corrupted. No happy ending - the end is here.
Epic Pictures Releasing - 2018 - R

"Killer High" (2018)
Made for SyFy Channel TV movie (aired October 20th, 2018). Sabrina Swanson is an alpha, but got held back in life; after graduating high school had to take care of her terminal mother - no college, no life and no leaving town. In the intervening years, Wallingham has fallen on hard times, most have moved out/on, but not Sabrina. With the passing of her mom, she has taken the reins of the Class Of 2008 high school reunion. When the booked venue is a bust - deposit stolen. She's on a crunch for a new location... their old, closed down high school. What was supposed to be a night of fun, laughter and nostalgia turns into a blood bath. The school's mascot, a warthog (cursed costume) has returned as a hulking demonic beast, stalking and murdering attendees. Worse yet, no help is coming, Wallingham is pretty much a ghost town, not even cell reception. Left with little choice, Sabrina and her school rival, Rosario Stewart join forces to save who they can and stop the monster from obtaining its dark goal. A horror comedy. Too bad the film didn't include the song "Cheerleader Effect" by CARPENTER BRUT, a perfect fit. For a basic cable flick, it is dominated by practical effects and gore - over the top gore made TV friendly by presenting it in bullet time. Plus fresh takes on horror tropes.
Uncork’D Entertainment - 2019 - NR

"The River: The Complete First Season" (2012)
This is a short lived TV series which ran for eight weeks on ABC, but bombed in the ratings, not well known - tried to be the next "Lost" (2004). Found-footage program, co-created by Oren Peli; the writer, producer and director of "Paranormal Activity" (2007) and co-produced by Steven Spielberg. Dr. Emment Cole is a famous children's TV personality, his show ran for years, beloved by millions across the planet. He traveled the globe exposing his audience to nature and wonders. But not by everyone, he was a stranger to his son, Lincoln and he was on the show as a boy. While in production in the Amazon, Cole and crew... vanished. Six months later Lincoln is implored by his mother, Tess to find him - emergency beacon activated. The answer is "no". But that's the only way it can happen - his participation; the condition of the financiers. A documentary company is footing the bill to record the search and want direct connections to the show, adult Lincoln. He reluctantly agrees. Their crew include Lene Landry, the daughter of the missing cameraman. Along with Kurt Brynildson their ship's captain and security. The deeper they travel down the river, the deeper the mystery unfolds - Dr. Cole was going into uncharted territory, seeking genuine magik - the real reason why he had a TV show. Careful what you wish for. This was canceled before a resolution, the setup was made for season two; rescuers become lost themselves by dark forces who want them dead or damned. Deeply creepy at times.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc. - 2012 - NR

"These Final Hours" (2013)
This is the end. There is no Bruce Willis nor Robert Duvall to save us at the last possible minute. It has already happened, hope is lost. An asteroid has impacted in the North Atlantic - because of its location, Australia will be the last place on Earth to burn as the fiery shock wave surrounds them. It is an extinction level event. This is known by the population - who are having the party to end all parties. James wants to have sex with his girlfriend Vicky and his side girl Zoe - do some drugs and fade. On the way to the party he is nearly killed by a crazed man - fleeing, he sees a tween, abducted; about to be gang raped. James intervenes, saving Rose. She tells him, she wants to find her dad, they were separated on their way to her aunt's home. He just wants to go numb at the party. James takes her along hoping to dump her on someone else. But it becomes quite clear - there isn't anyone else. He wants redemption for a wasted life, if only a bit; opts to do the right thing - help this girl with her solace. A somber and violent film. How will you spend these final hours? An excellent companion with "Miracle Mile" (1988).
Well Go USA Entertainment - 2013 - NR

It's too bad the next "Resident Evil" movie is planned as a reboot, not another sequel. Other than the James Bond films, I can't think of a current franchise that centers on world building, minus "The Avengers" films.

Spooooky! There is more chills coming next week with an immortal serial killer, a real camper - has some serious issues with teens having intercourse. *nods* See you then.