Past Tense

[An earlier version of this PT was originally posted on April 23rd, 2015 on JoBlo's "DVD, Blu-Ray & Home Theater Discussion" forum.]

Come back to a time when hippies were synonymous with peace and love; before the murderous Charlie Mason taint in "Mad Men"...

"Mad Men: The Final Season [7] Part 1" was released on home video on October 21st, 2014.

It streeted against "Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort" (which later got recalled), "Snowpiercer" and "Life After Beth".

This release originally came in slipcase which mirrored the three disc digipak inside. It came with two inserts. 1) Single sided, Digital Copy (UltraViolet instructions; code expires on October 21st, 2015. 2) A small insert; a double sided ad for season seven, part II of the show - Spring 2015.

It also came with a card stock backing; listing the contents - it mirrors the rear of the digipak inside. The card was gummied on the back of the slipcase.

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There was only one exclusive and like the last time from Target.

Not a separate bonus, but rather incorporated in last the disc. Here on DVD it was added to the bonus contents on disc three. This was the Paleyfest panel from March 21st, 2014. It has a run time of 29:51 minutes and is presented in widescreen.

This event was moderated by Michael Schneider from TV Guide. Guest include stars Jon Hamm, Vincent Kartheiser, Elisabeth Moss, Christina Hendricks, Robert Morse, Jessica Paré and Kiernan Shipka. Series creator Matthew Weiner was present, but in the audience and did not participate.

The exclusive was for the DVD and Blu-Ray editions and sold for $19.99 (both formats).

As with the exclusive for season five, it was quite interesting. I had no problem finding a DVD copy for myself at the store. Sway.

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I am sadden it came to an end.

This is a show that could've gone on for more years. It's moved from the 1950s to '60s. It can easily go from the 1970s into - at least the early '80s. Characters leave, age and some die. But that's just chasing sky now; Weiner wanted a conclusion.

Just think about it; Don (Hamm) will never know about Turbo and Ozone. [poppin' and lockin'] Years ago Weiner said he wanted to seen an elderly Don in a track suit in the 1980s trying to remain relevant. Why didn't that happen???

The final episode aired May 17th, 2015 on AMC.

Let me take a step back.

This is yet another TV show which had its season broken into two. I totally blame the SyFy Channel for bringing this evil onto the world. This started with "Battlestar Galactica" (2004 - 2009); the cable channel broke up season four into two parts, separated by a year; a legacy that lives to this day.

What sucks even more is that each part of season Seven is only seven episodes each. Couldn't they at least do ten each? This is one of American Movie Classics flagship programs. You would think they would spring for more. Nope.

This is the same channel that wanted no zombies in their undead show. I'm fracking not kidding. For season two of "The Walking Dead", AMC wanted to reduce the budget of their winner show. Have the production shoot on a sound stage, not outdoors. Have the zombies heard outside the farm house - not seen. Once that cable comment hit the web, folks were pissed to say the least. And it didn't happen, much.

So it does not surprise me that they wouldn't pony up to expand the final season.

Someone in the above pix is gonna have an office melt down and cut off a nipple. I think its easy to see which one; who's lookin' nervous? Hint... it involves a computer. Did we learn nothing from Joshua? It's a slippery slope from tic-tac-toe to global thermonuclear war to nipple severing. *nods* And someone here is missing an eye patch.

In case you're curious this season begins in 1969.

The foundations of Don's marriage to Megan (Paré) coming apart were seeded in the previous season. And it does in Seven P1. Yes, a spoiler.

I'm glad it went down the way it did. Don wanted his wife to happy and that meant him removed. He will continue to care for her. She's will be all right and so will he.

The breakup is so different than what happened with first wife, Betty (January Jones). That character can be rough; from sympathetic to full blown bitch. She's a woman-child. Plus her comments on the Vietnam War just ticked me off.

You wore your imperfections well, dignified. Spend your time alone.
- The Birthday Massacre

Now with Megan gone, Don is home by himself with only work keeping his solace at bay. What I would love to see in the final few are gone and seldom seen characters.

One of the themes in Part I is father-daughter relationship. Don's ties to Sally (Shipka) was quite nice, both definitely have grown. She's not a little girl anymore, her independence has taken root, much to Betty's dismay.

Whatever became of Salvatore Romano (Bryan Batt) and Paul Kinsey (Michael Gladis) (top to bottom)?

When we last saw Romano he was fired from the agency in season three, still a closeted gay. Telling his wife that he was going to be late from work, hanging out in a gay park. Kinsey was seen in season five, ready for a trip to L.A. to become a writer.

The ad agency, now have a branch in Los Angeles, just saying.

I would like another appearance of Glen Bishop (Marten Holden Weiner), Sally's former... boyfriend? Boy friend? Friend. That would be nice. And at least one from Trudy (Alison Brie), Pete's soon to be former wife. There are other characters, like Midge Daniels (Rosemarie DeWitt) - Don's bed buddy from season one.

The above snaps were a happy coincidence; I don't believe Glen and Sally would suffer the same fate as Trudy and Pete. Glen has self-confidence without being cocky and not mired with indecision. Continuing...

Midge had an appearance in season four, now stuck in a failed marriage and a heroin addict. That episode took place in 1964. It's more than likely that Midge is dead at this time; complications with shared needles or an overdose. Too bad, I liked her.

One more thing, actress Jessica Paré has a doppelgänger. She looks like adult film star Stoya who in turn looks like Milla Jovovich. They should get together and hug, maybe kiss. But in a platonic way... or not.

Decided to close the year with a classy show that will be long remembered as the final Past Tense of the decade. What will come next? I honestly don't know - I only have so many available write-ups. Will need to get more... more that I care about and keep as part of my collection. I can tell you, I do have a number of exclusives for next year's "Limited Edition Horror" for October which was a surprise. It's doable.

There you go. Have decent Christmas with good friends and family with an excellent supper. And a safe New Years Eve wherever that may be. The next entry will surface on January 14th, 2021. Why a week later than usual? I'm considering a write up, a Tangent - but it's still hasn't arrived, a DVD collection from Germany. Could could late this month or early next, it was ordered in early November. Snail mail is named that for a reason and didn't buy from a store. *nods* A person, seller.