
Over lunch Annette indicated that only Garfield would be CGI. The other well-known and beloved characters would be actual cats and dogs, their lips computer animated to speak, a la Cats and Dogs and such. Why stray so far from the source? And why have Garfield as Garfield and none of the other characters as themselves?

On one hand, if all the animal characters were CGI, there would be a uniformity in the film's Garfield Universe (and CGI is easier to manipulate than live animals).

On the other hand there's Odie. I don't think it's ever been established if he's an actual breed. He's yellow with brown ears. At best he is very much a mixed breed/mutt. Is the handsome golden retreiver I saw (but did not see used) to portray the lovable empty headed Odie?

3:15pm - I waited as they put "Nermal" in place with the Garfield stand-in (a well made Garfield model, complete with fur and familiar smirk). Instead of the grey tabby that is the kitten Nerman of the strip, they are using a very pretty long-haired Siamese cat.
ohhhhh CGI Garfield.... good or bad?