hi there, i was hoping that someone may be able to help me out(long time browser, first time poster), basically i am unable to play hi res or full screen versions of any quick time trailers either streaming via a website or downloaded to hard disc. this is a problem that i know a few of you guys have experienced when quick time updated there software from v.3 to v.4 etc, the way i have got around it is to obviously just down load low res or med res versions of files or the windows media version of a given file but realy i want to try and get back to how it used to be before i changed to quicktime v.5.0.2, i have tried to keep upto date with the many updates and so forth that microsoft released when certain internet explorer browsers were causing conflicts with the new version of quick time(or something along those lines) but it has been about a year since we had broadband installed and i dont feel that we are getting the best of it as most of the heavy downloading is trailers and film files, short films, music etc. i wont post any redundant info with regard to system etc until some one thinks thay can help me out and they need to know specifics. any help would be most appreciated.
