Anything you have seen, say when you were little, and it scarred ya for life????


no movies, no tv, and no news/papers/documentaries

When I wuz a little girl, I used to stay at this day care while my mum worked. I hated it there! I used to always sneak out and try to run away.
Anyhoo, this one terrible day, I wuz in the back in the playground with other kids. I just sat there and looked around. Again, I hated it there!!!!! Kids were mean to me. I wuz the only deaf kid there. ......... I remember seeing this boy on the swing looking all happy and having fun. I turned my head around for one minute. I see all the grown-ups running toward my direction but they ran pass me. I turned around again and it wuz the same boy on the ground all covered in BLOOD!!!
I wuz terrified!! All the kids were very still. The boy wuz crying, looked screaming! I'm seriously tellin ya'll, he wuz covered in blood all over!

They grabbed him and took him inside. They wouldn't let us come in for a couple of minutes. I looked over to the swing area and saw blood on the ground. I wuz so scared. I wanted my mommy!! When we finally got to go inside, I waited in the corner by the front door for my mommy. My mommy came and picked me up and hugged me really hard.

I never found out what happened to that boy. I never saw him again. My mum soon quit her job after that and stayed home with me. I wuz about 3 or 4 at this time.

So what about ya'll??