i am thinking about renting a stand-alone DVD burner that i can hook my camcorder into. basically to transfer my home movies (and what not) onto DVD. but i would also like to take it a step further and create my own DVDs with my own menus and navigation.

what process(or processes) are the recommended way of doing this ?? i had thought about buying a capture card but i have over 20 hours of video i would have to capture, edit and encode. and at 1 gig a minute, i don't think this would be an option.

so, my thought is that i would transfer to DVD using this recorder and then transfer that on to my HD for rediting and burning on a new DVD. my question would be what applications are good for converting .vobs , and what application is good for editing these .vob files into a DVD with my own menu and the such ??? also, as a side note, am i looking at having huge, uncompressed files on my HD (like i would if i encoded them using a capture card) ??
