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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States

    Thumbs down Parents group complains about ABC's Live 8 show

    From Yahoo News.

    Parents group complains about ABC's Live 8 show
    Thursday July 14 3:54 PM ET

    A parents group on Thursday accused the ABC television network of violating broadcast decency standards when it failed to censor all profanity uttered during the recent Live 8 concert, an event held to draw attention to poverty in poor countries.

    The Parents Television Council, which has filed numerous complaints about potentially indecent material on television, asked the Federal Communications Commission to levy a fine on ABC stations for failing to censor the July 2 performance of "Who Are You" by The Who.

    "The program was aired on a tape delay, which should have given ABC ample time to edit all obscenities from the concert prior to broadcast," Tim Winter, PTC executive director, said in a statement.


    The complaint was filed against the Washington, D.C., ABC affiliate WJLA, but the council asked the FCC to take action against all the ABC stations that aired the profanity, according to a spokeswoman for the organization.

    U.S. law bars radio and television broadcasters from airing obscene material and are limited to airing indecent material, typically profanity or sexually explicit content, to late night hours when children are less likely to be in the audience.

    "Unfortunately, one inappropriate phrase sung by one performer was initially missed and made it into the East Coast network feed," ABC said in a statement. "It was subsequently edited out of the West Coast feed."

    ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Co.

    The FCC in the past has gone both ways in handling profanity on television. It decided against taking action when ABC aired the profanity-laden film "Saving Private Ryan." Yet the agency said NBC stations violated the law when Irish U2 rocker Bono swore during the 2003 Golden Globe Awards program, however issued no fines.

    Man, can't anyone make a mistake winthout someone complaining?
    It's like some organizations just need to complain.
    I understand people have children and they do not want their kids to hear profanity, but in the US, profanity is becoming more and more common on TV.
    If You are aware of what your children are watching, then You can determine what they can and can't watch. Take responsibility for Your children, and stop blaming everyone else.

    I am by no means saying it is okay for profanity to be on television, Live 8 is trying to do something really good for the world, and the networks are helping by playing on their channels, so give them a break.

    I would also like to add the above is my opinion and 3 seconds of fame.
    I am in no way telling anyone in this forum or anywhere for that matter, how to raise their children.
    Last edited by Lestat; 07-15-2005 at 01:28 AM.

    "Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. You heard me rapping, Right?"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    San Juan, PR
    Quote Originally Posted by Lestat
    ...violating broadcast decency standards...
    Couldn't be easier to change the freaking channel!! Probably the networks threat the viewers to view the program or else..

    I don't know, none of this happens the time when cartoons smoked, shot guns, guys dressed as woman and no one SAID ANYTHING!!!

    Why don't we just finish the job by flushing our brains down the toilet?

    My DVD Collection

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    South-West England
    There was alot of trouble here too. Snoop Dogg didn't hold back in his motherf**king performance at 6.30pm... Not to mention Madonna at 2pm...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Republicans suck. Do the research and you'll see that the PTC is a fully-funded arm of the GOP. This is all about politics. Dicks.

    Going to heaven when I die.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Mississauga, ON Canada
    We all have Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake to thanks for this....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I realy have a hard time with things like this... i live in a country where you any time a day can show sex, violence and dirty launguage on tv.. we have no restrictions what so ever.. so complaints like this just makes me go WTF? hehe if those censur ppl just watched 3 minuts of TV at my house (with my 10 year old) they would put a gun to there heads and blow there brains out..

    Only time we get like warnings that somthing "Not for kids" will be shown its 100% of the time in the NEWS when they are about to show pictures/video of somthing nasty like ppl shoot to peaces in irak and the sunami in thiland with all the dead ppl washing up on the beach..
    Dont realy know why it is like this... but personaly i think its cos in my country we trust in oure kids to know real life from fiktion and so far we have never had any problems... oure crimerate is low and murder is so rare that its front page news in every newspaper in the country when it dos happen... witch is like 5 times a year... dont know what my point here is realy... i just thing that the americans have this strange idear that Timmy age 12 will go mental and shoot his classmates if he hears the F word on TV... i think they should lok elswhere for the surce of there problems and get off the TV networks back..

    Last edited by Fed7haS; 07-15-2005 at 09:26 PM.
    She's just too pretty for Hollywood. I don't know, put her in a glass box and display her at the Metropolitan Museum of Art or something. - Jake on the topic of Scarlett Johansson.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States

    Thumbs up

    Fed7haS, I couldn't have said it better myself.
    Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?
    I'm guessing Canada, but I could be waaaaaaaayyyy off, as I usually am.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lestat
    Fed7haS, I couldn't have said it better myself.
    Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?
    I'm guessing Canada, but I could be waaaaaaaayyyy off, as I usually am.
    Im from a small country in Europe called denmark


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States
    Told ya' I'm usually waaaaayyyyy off!



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