It could be interesting news.

I think Dark Knight seguel will be released in 2011 (2005 - Batman Begins, 2008 - Dark Knight).

Full article from /film
Frank Miller to direct Batman movie?

Could Frank Miller’s classic The Dark Knight Returns be up for a possible feature film adaptation? The question was asked at this year’s New York Comic Con and Batman producer Michael Uslan gave his glowing endorsement.

When asked about Miller’s involvement as a director in a future Batman franchise movie, Uslan responded:

“I believe in Frank Miller 100%… I think the sky’s the limit in terms of Frank’s talent.”

While nothing is clearly in the works publicly, it seems like a possibility.

Miller’s four-issue comic book miniseries, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, was first published in 1986. It has since become one of the most popular graphic novel/trade paperbacks of all time. It reintroduced Batman to the general public as the psychologically dark character of his original 1930s conception, and helped to usher in an era of “grim and gritty” superheroes from the mid-1980s to mid-1990s.

Set 20 years in the future, criminals run amok and a gang called the Mutants terrorize Gotham City as superheros are a thing of the past. Bruce Wayne has been retired from crime fighting for ten years following the death of Jason Todd, the second Robin. Despite Wayne’s funding the rehabilitation of Harvey Dent (Two-Face), Dent returns to crime. Wayne dons the Batman costume again and apprehends Dent, but the populace debates whether Batman is a savior.

Please Warner, Please Frank, Let’s get this movie off the ground.