This is rather interestng especially from where I stand being that after this passed summer viewing the 2 fisted, Whip cracking, fridge riding return of Indy and finding out about Tomb Raider: Underworld (which I was very pleased with) I was wondering if there was to be another Tomb Raider feature in the not to distant future to find out I sat down and drafted a letter to none other then Kathryn Clements and sent it to her care of Eidos Interactive with in the letter I asked if there was ever any plans to make another film be it Live Action or even a CG Animated feature using the tecnology that was utilized to make the 2007 Beowulf and the Final Fantasy Films being I think a CG movie in that style would greatly benefit the series/brand being you could have it similar to the games in many ways and would not be confined to the problems of a Live Action production. Also I included a few plot/story ideas and what not and my contact info just incase. I sent the letter around the end of august but haven't heard back I didn't have high hopes of that anyway but it would have been nice to know if the letter was read or at least was recived/arrived.