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  1. #1
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    Avengers 2: The Age of Ultron (2015)

    Avengers Sequel and villian revealed

    Marvel, the studio that brings us the biggest superhero movies around, brought the big guns to Comic-Con's Hall H Saturday night.

    There was a ton of big stuff – including first looks at "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" – but the biggest news is that we now know the reason the "Avengers" team will be reassembling in 2015.

    Joss Whedon concluded the hour-long panel by introducing a teaser trailer showing what appeared to be Iron Man's mask getting deformed by unseen forces. Then the familiar voices from "Marvel's the Avengers" begin talking about how they aren't a team, they're a "time bomb," and the like. But as we pan-out we see the mask is not Iron Man at all. And just as we're wondering who it is, a graphic flashes across the screen: "Avengers 2: The Age of Ultron."

    Boom! Lights up. The crowd goes wild. And every geek around is shaking in their seats.

    Why you ask? Because Ultron opens up a multi-universe full of possibility.

    "The Age of Ultron" is a Marvel Comics ten-issue run written earlier this year (partially by Neil Gaiman), which centers around the robot Ultron, and his attempt to take over the world by hanging out in the future and using his creation, the android Vision, as a conduit of destruction in the present. Got it?

    Since it's the comics, there's a ton of back story to know too, dating back to Avengers #54 in 1968. Ultron was created by Hank Pym, aka Ant-Man, aka the star (and name) of the movie Marvel is releasing in November, 2015. Pym uses his own brain waves and adamantium (the stuff that makes Wolverine tick) to create the robot.

    Basically Ultron has daddy issues, becomes self-aware, rebels against his maker, then brainwashes Pym to forget about making him in the first place. Then Ultron tries to take over the universe.

    Empire Magazine tweeted after the panel that they had spoken with Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, who said the title is "borrowed" from the comic book run, but "bears no relation to it.

    Which would make sense, since the "The Age of Ultron" run takes place after Ultron and his Sentinels have already conquered the world. And we'd want to see that, right?

    Plus, "Avengers 2" comes out in May 2015, before "Ant-Man," so it would certainly make one wonder how Ultron fits into that picture, since he would have been destroying earth six months prior.

    Also complicating the matter is that "The Age of Ultron" run features Wolverine and the Fantastic Four – properties of 20th Century Fox – as well as Spider-Man – a property of Sony. Though Andrew Garfield did say he'd love to join the Avengers, as it's been portrayed plenty in the comics.

    And what about the Thanos tease at the end of the first "Avengers"? What was that for, if not to tease "Avengers 2"? And why, during the most excellent "Guardians of the Galaxy" panel, would Djimon Hounsou say his Korath character would be a great "ally" to Thanos? How does "GOTG" fit into this greater Marvel Universe?

    It's too mind-boggling-ly big!

    But at least we know a title. And one villain – a scary-dangerous one at that.

    At the end of the day, we know the story will prominently feature Ultron, who has a long rich history in the comics, and Marvel can go all over the universal map with Ultron's possibilities. (They could even focus primarily on Vision, a future Avenger who kinda looks like Vin Diesel in a green suit and red make-up.)

    Whichever direction Marvel decides to go for "Avengers 2: The Age of Ultron," they won't have any trouble filling up Hall H at next year's Comic-Con to talk about it.
    Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us. - Matthew Mcconaughey - Interstellar

  2. #2
    j7wild Guest


    I haven't even seen the first one!

  3. #3
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    L.A.~ lower Alabama

    Marvel Studios and writer/director Joss Whedon took to the stage at San Diego Comic-Con's Hall H this year and wowed the audience with the announcement of the title for The Avengers sequel, Avengers: Age of Ultron. Though the film is still two years away from release, Whedon has already decided to share some details on the film's plot, inspirations, and characters.

    "A lot of people, because we called it Age of Ultron and there was a book called Age of Ultron recently, assumed that was the storyline we were doing which is not the case. We're doing our own version of the origin story of Ultron. The other thing is in the origin story, there was Hank Pym, so a lot of people assumed he was going to be in the mix, but he's not because we're basically taking the things from the comics for the movies that we need and can use. A lot of stuff has to fall by the way side. Ultron was their chief villain when I read the book. He has been THE Avengers villain for so long, I was amazed anybody was surprised it was going to be him in a movie. But we're sort of crafting our own version of it, where his origin comes more from The Avengers that we already know about it."

    Whedon also admitted to knowing that this would be the sequel for the film since before he made the first "Avengers" movie.

    "Since before I even took the job of making the first one, I thought 'Well I don't know if I want to make this movie, but the second one should have Ultron in it!'"

    When asked how the film would be different from the first movie, Whedon elaborated more than he has in the past.

    "It's a little bit darker than the other film, because Ultron is in the house there's a science fiction element that I think is a little bit stronger than the other film. Getting the team together was so rousing, but seriously, keeping the team together is a completely different problem."

    Ultron goes through several different iterations in the source material and Whedon says that will be reflected in the film.

    "Ultron is definitely somebody who evolves so we're going to get a couple of iterations, it's going to be cool."

    When asked by a fan if The Avengers would do some globehopping in the sequel, Whedon gave an interesting reply for the film's story.

    "It's very much a global Avengers film, a lot of the movie has to do with their place not only in America but in the world."

    While still writing the film, Whedon appears to be having the most fun writing one of the returning characters instead of one of the new ones.

    "Part of the fun for me, definitely, this time around is writing Hawkeye, because he did get possessed pretty early by a bad guy and sort of had to walk around scowley for most of the movie last time. So now it's nice to actually have the character there and really see him interact with the other guys."

    Whedon also confirmed the time table to begin production on the sequel.

    "End of February, beginning of March. We'll be shooting in London, London will be the base for Avengers 2."

    Featuring favorites from the first "Avengers" film and new Marvel characters never before seen on the big screen, Avengers: Age of Ultron will open in theaters on May 1, 2015. You can check out the interview segment below!

  4. #4
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    Las Vegas, Nevada
    Avengers 2 Update

    Over in Avengers land, the sequel is shaping up nicely, begininng with a new Avengers Tower and Quinjet. Apparently the Tower is the largest set ever for a Marvel movie and will feature a landing platform and garage for the Quinjet. That area will, apparently, be a large, open space with lots of windows, screens, and "techno stuff," according to Kevin Feige. There will also be a "really chic" lab in the center where Tony and Bruce work together like the science bros they are.

    The Quinjet itself will be sleeker and have both more weapons and, just for fun, more seats for the Avengers to comfortably sit in.

    On the costume end of things, there's been updates on Black Widow and the Hulk. Natasha's new costume will apparently be more of a "TRON-style" and will include blue lights and electricity. Yes, that will serve a functional purpose in the form of a "widow's sting," which will be electric shocks that enemies will receive when Natasha hits them. The intention here was to give Widow more of a "superhero" feel so she can keep up a little better with her more superhuman teammates.

    Meanwhile, it looks like there's been more confirmation on the Hulk getting "extendable" pants so poor Bruce doesn't keep ripping through all his trousers. Yes, they will probably be purple, but they will also apparently feature an Avengers "A" logo. In fact, that logo looks like it will appear on every Avenger's costume in Age of Ultron.

    Tony will wear both a Mark 43 and Mark 44 Iron Man suit in the new film. The former will be less gold than the suit from Iron Man 3 but will retain the circular ARC reactor as opposed to the triangular one we saw in the previous Avengers film. The Mark 44 will be a Hulkbuster suit.

    Ultron will have an army of drones that are basically mini versions of himself.

    Paul Bettany's Vision will actually be him, but metallic-looking with hints of gold, red and green. He'll also have a yellow cape.

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