Another newbie with another unknown movie here!

I have been chasing this movie for 1-2 year now. It is not a very old one, probably somewhat between 2005-2010.

What I remember of the plot: a guy become widow and decide to move to a small town in an island to recover from his loss. There is a bridge that links the island to the land and a particular scene that kept recorded in my mind involving this bridge. At certain point of the movie happen some kind of car crash in the bridge making several cars fall from the bridge into the water (including the car where the protagonist is). When the cars fall into the water there is a part of the scene that happens underwater and it is like a dream with the cars sinking and because is night their headlights are on and it gives a very dramatic and phantasmagorical aspect to the scene.

There is also a couple of scenes in his new house when the phone rings, he picks up the phone but no one answers, there is just static, or whatever, but somewhat the protagonist has this feeling that his deceased wife is trying to communicate to him.

Any idea of what movie is this?