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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    fao jacques - Interlaced video on trailers?

    jacques - thanks for your ProRes encodes as always but I've got a quick question - some of them appear to be interlaced video as opposed to progressive (ie the horizontal lines on the image with any kind of movement). I noticed this first on your Magnificent Seven international trailer - but not the domestic one. Both domestic and international Inferno trailers are interlaced/have the lines but Hell or High Water doesn't. Is this something to do with the source or something else?

    I'm viewing on a pc laptop using VLC and haven't changed any settings - have never needed to. If I check the deinterlace option in VLC and choose Discard it seems to fix the issue but playback slows/stutters a bit (it's only a Core2 Duo processor). I assume you wouldn't notice the issue playing the file from a media player connected to a tv as the tv would do the deinterlacing...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    The masters come from a wide range of sources, some are ProRes HQ23.98, ProRes HQ59.94, DVCPRO100, while others I'm not too sure since they are simply sent to me, and I really don't have the time to analyze what I get. I'll take a look at the sources you mention to see if I can find a pattern.

    My conversion parameters always remain the same, and it's pretty straight forward, most deal with the audio portion since in many cases the audio is split in various configurations, which is why I simply chose to retain the LPCE audio using a straight "copy".

    On the video side, I simply specify the Codec, Format, and Scaling, but from my original research in the conversion process, de-interlacing was a toss, since it creates a loss, so I left it out of the equation. Of course the higher quality the encode, the higher the requirements become on your playback components.

    I'm far from being an expert in the matter, but that would probably point to the masters, or might even be a setting in your VLC player which might need to be tweaked. As well, display resolution and GPU would surely affect playback.
    As you stated, TV or PC playback also plays a role with the viewing quality.

    I use a desktop running XP (there's a reason) with VLC, but I only play and keep the 720p encodes since I'm already running 8X 3Tb Hard Drives which are pretty well at capacity with stuff going back a decade and more.

    I leave the super HD stuff to the MKV guy's, I'm simply providing an alternate source from Apple to the regular forum since alternate sources for higher quality encodes have mostly dried up.

    I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tim_p View Post
    Both domestic and international Inferno trailers are interlaced/have the lines but Hell or High Water doesn't.

    Did a quick check, the Inferno trailers were from a 59.94 source, and the Hell or High Water was a DVCPRO100.
    I guess the problem is that none spec the masters with a "p" or "i", and all formats can accommodate either or.

    Being broadcast only sources, I guess it's irrelevant.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Thanks for the informing replies jacques - as you aren't changing your encoding method and I've not changed VLC options - which by defualt is set to not deinterlace - I have a feeling that, technical phrase here, "something has changed" with some of the sources you are now receiving.

    Maybe one of the other uploaders can comment?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Have you tried the QT player?

    The latest VLC player update seems to work fine for me, but I had to fallback on the previous ones due to playback issues caused by their de-interlacing filters. Try uploading the latest version if possible.

    On a side note, I did some further checking, even though all ProRes encodes can support both interlaced and Progressive scan, it appears that 59.94 is normally interlaced for some reason, as opposed to 23.98 which is normally progressive.

    In the meantime, I will DL the inferno trailers in 29.98 and re-post them to see if that makes any difference.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2008


    Re-cut the domestic trailers for "Inferno" with HQ23.98 encodes, let me know if it's any better.
    I did find more information on the HQ59.94 encodes, and it would point towards being interlaced.

    Of course any down-scaling from the 1080i would surely result in a highly noticeable picture degradation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Good news jacques - and thanks for redoing the encodes.

    There are now no lines on the video. The 29.98 progressive master files you downloaded have made the difference. The 59.94 interlaced files were resulting in the lines because flat screens can't play them back natively - about the only thing I know for sure and has been proven here. You either have to choose to deinterlace in your software player if possible (ie VLC) or your tv will do it automatically - and presumably does a good enough job of it that people don't notice.

    I'm also no expert but from what I've read there's no difference in quality, it's just a different method of displaying the image and is a holdover from the NTSC broadcast standard: 60 (59.94) interlaced fields per second is 30 (29.97/8) progressive frames per second - two (half resolution) interlaced fields for one (full resolution) progressive frame. And as far as I can see, with my eyes about 10 inches from the screen, there is no difference in quality, they're identical.

    I've got QT player but I gave up on using it years ago for the hd trailers as it couldn't cope and have used VLC since. I tried it and it made no difference, still had the lines on the interlaced files.

    So, as long as there's no loss in quality (I don't think there is) and you don't have to alter your method (I don't think you have done) - can you choose the 29.98 progressive master files if given an option please?

  8. #8
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    No problem on my side, same amount of work either way if I do have a choice in the selection.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    59.94 seems really odd to put in the masters.

    The only times it would make sense for 59.94 is to put on bluray, as interlaced.
    But, if they're providing 23.98 versions, those would be better suited for bluray, as it's already progressive.

    Maybe HDTV broadcasting?

    Pure interlace, if it gets de-interlaced, it would lose half the resolution so you would need to downscale it to 720p.
    1080p would be considered an overbloated upscale of the pure 1080i.

    It just feels really odd to keep interlace well into the 21st century, no?

  10. #10
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    Feb 2008

    They only started adding those lately, so it's something new.

    As long as they provide a DVCPRO or 23.98 as well, I'm good.

    Let's keep in mind that the sources for ProRes and DC are in place for commercial use, and not general distribution.
    As you stated, it is more than likely for HDTV broadcasting, and I'm sure at some point someone will clarify the gritty details as to the reason behind it.

    In the meantime, it's a non-issue since there are alternatives.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    It appears that Sony is the only studio providing 59.94 encodes at this time, so it was a little easier to pinpoint the possible Interlaced Encodes. Unfortunately, Sony is also the Studio which distributes different trailers for the International and Domestic markets, which means that it's double the work.

    I've re-cut a large portion of them with 29.98 or DVCPRO just to make sure, but there are still a few left, too many things and not enough time. I'll get to them eventually.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hi jacques - didn't realise you'd replied to this thread again and just downloaded the Magnificent Seven international trailer to see if you'd got to that one yet - but obviously not. No rush but if and when you've got a spare half hour...

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