Venom (2018)

If you search online for the definition of Hot Mess

You will get many results but mainly, you will get several similar results including these two:

1. ...refers to when a "person's appearance is in a state of total disarray while still maintaining an undeniable attractiveness & allure."

Hot messes' are appealing for a variety of reasons, most notably because they're generally unexpected, capricious, & agonizingly provocative. Additionally, numerous contingent factors make duplication rare and continual repetition virtually impossible.

No one set of guidelines can perpetually determine what distinguishes a "hot mess" from an above-average train wreck. Regardless of the circumstances, you know it when you see it; because they are typically conspicuous, and obviously they are always awesome."...

2. ...A disheveled or unbalanced person, particularly one who is nevertheless — or therefore — attractive...

That is exactly what Venom, the latest film based on yet another Marvel Comic is, a:

Hot Mess

Venom is also the first film to be produced by Sony under the Sony's Marvel Universe, not part of the long running 20 films (and counting) Marvel Cinematic Universe produced by Marvel studios.

Originally Sony wanted to make this an R rated film and decided to make it a PG-13 film for the obvious reason:

it will sell more tickets at the box office.

The result is a movie that should be dark horror film but it doesn't work because it had to meet PG-13 rating guidelines.

Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams do their best with their roles but for the entire film, they are mostly just window dressing.

The ongoing plot with Carlton Drake, a multi-billionaire modeled after Elon Musk (?), who has his own spaceships that will make NASA green with envy is just absurd and unbelievable.

For a movie with a nearly $116 million dollars budget, the CGI looks like it was made in the 90's using computers before computers had Windows and Pentium and AMD and ATI and 3dfx.

This movie feels like one of those horror B-movies from the 90's.

It's not fun, it's not exciting, it's not suspenseful, it's not thrilling.

The only reason it's doing so well at the box office is

1. because it's another Marvel comics based movie so naturally everyone from age 5 to 30 will run to see it


2. because it's a

Hot Mess

I can't recommend this movie one bit.
