Quote Originally Posted by KATILLAZ View Post
Hi, guys!
I watched this movie when I was a kid on cable and never caught in from the beginning, so my memories are blurry. But what I remember is the following:
– it was about prisoners of war

– I think a group of US soldiers were caught in a sort of sandy desert arab country

– the main character and his comrades had to adapt and survive in the harsh conditions in prison, being abused from the prison management, staff and the inmates, to.

– there was a scene where one of the more skinny and gentle soldiers was raped by a big grunt

– there was a scene where one of the prison guards made the main character clean **** out of a toilet, transferring them into a bucket with his bare hands and after that he made him lick his fingers, while singing to him “Daddy cool”, saying it was a Michal Jackson song

– there was a scene where the main character complained he had a tooth ache. The warden met him with a doctor but the doctor pulled out a healthy tooth instead on purpose as a way of torture

– in the end the soldiers were released and returned to their normal day-to-day life

– the main character’s final words towards the spectators were something like: “I understand that everything that those guys did to us for them was fulfilling their civic duty, just like we did. I don`t judge them, I don`t hate them, but believe me, if tomorrow I met one of them on the street… I would kill him!”

That’s what I remember of this movie. So, pls, HELP!

Bravo two zero. Sean Bean. Its a true story of an SAS unit captured by the Iraqi army after evading them for days. It is in youtube.