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  1. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Mississauga, Ontario

    Thumbs down My thoughts on the subject..

    Where oh where does one begin when we have so much to dicuss. I will offer this little introduction to anyone who has influence within the Paramount company.

    F I R E . . . R I C K. . . B E R M A N ! ! ! ! !
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    If this seems a little extreme to you, I ask that you do a little research into this characters work on Star Trek.

    Rick Berman has been with Star Trek for a long time now. Rick was brought on to work on Star Trek - The Next Generation under Gene,(the main player in the original creation of ST). When Gene passed away shortly before the release of The Undiscovered Country aka. ST 6, Rick Berman slid into Gene's old role. Oddly enough this is just about the time when Next Gen started to do some VERY poor episodes. Rick has been working on ST ever since, and has also had his hand in the cookie jar on all 4 Next Gen movies. Moving right along.

    As the man who is responsible for making things happen, it is HIS JOB ALONE to make sure the product is worthy of it's fans.

    If I start to rant I am sorry, but I am a loyal fan to what ST is at the heart, and it pains me to see someone like R.B killing that which I love. He has no idea what the word continuity means.

    Lets just sumise his movie works on ST.

    Star Trek - Generations: why did you use the same exploding Klingon Bird of Prey sequence as you did for the previous movie. Did you really think because you zoomed in we would not notice?

    Star Trek - First Contact: about the same score in my books as Nemesis gets. Can we please have something fresh?!? Yay, The Borg!! and this time they are so pi$$ed at the Federation that they have sent... umm.... 1 cube (please, underwhelm me a little more).

    Star Trek - Insurrection: "Deploy manual flight stick!" and out pops a Thrustmaster joystick. When selecting an adversary for Capt. Picard perhaps more than 2.5 minutes of thought should be applied to the subject at hand. This guy was a joke.
    ( This movie was by far the worst Next Gen movie to date. It would have made a decent episode while Next Gen was running, this was not up to movie standards ).

    Star Trek - Nemesis: So I don't spoil anything for anyone I will keep this VERY vague. I read a first draft of the screenplay for this quite a while back. A lot was changed. For the worse. Scenes were re-written, shortened, removed. Characters were out of character. Pircard does at least have a worthy adversary in this one, and the actor who plays him is well cast in the role I felt. I found myself sitting back in the chair for my screening, very bored to be frank. I can get into more detail if asked but I would like to sleep tonight, I did afterall just screen Two Towers(GREAT MOVIE!!) and it is late.. or early rather.

    To sum it all up, if you are interested in what I am saying is true just look into all of the different TV series and find out which episodes Rick Berman did writing for. At an almost 100% success rate, he writes it, and it will suck. He leads them, and it will fail.

    This is a quote out of many mouths on the Star Trek movies. They have said this about them all. "This time around we are making the movies for everyone, not just the fans."

    SHUT UP!!!!!!

    If you are not making the movies for the fans then why are you making the movies at all ?!? Oh yeh.. money. Here is how their math is wrong. It is hoped that if they make a good enough movie enough people from all walks of life may come and see the movie to make it's money back. The problem with this is that for arguments sake 1/3 of those people are the trek fans and the rest are just movie-goers. If you write an EPIC trek movie for JUST the fans here is what will happen. Each fan WILL see the movie at least 2 times. Trek fans are very good at getting people hyped. At one time it was said that close to 51% of the TV watching world population considered themselves regular watchers of Star Trek. This was when Gene was still running Next Gen. YOU CAN MAKE THESE PEOPLE FANS AGAIN!

    It will need to start at the top though, and Rick Berman will need to go.

    Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that the Nemesis idea was Ricks again, and was rejected when originally proposed instead of Insurrection for the last movie. John Logan cannot be held accountable for this movie because the story idea was crap to begin with before they gave it to John to write.

    In My Humble Opinion.

    Bro Jay
    Last edited by Brotha Jay; 12-18-2002 at 04:21 AM.

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