Originally posted by maniacKNOWSall
OK... OK.... OK.... The first Matrix made $171,414,892 in the box office and was released on 3/31/99, a wednesday. Now what does this meen? Well first off all, The Matrix is now considered one of the best Sci Fi / Action movie off all time.

So why cant its sequel have a huge opening like 135 million?

The Matrix also has a 4.5/5 user rating on Yahoo. The only other movies that I've seen with a user rating like that is The Fellowship of the Ring & The Two Towers.

OK.... The Matrix did allright in the box office but not the best. So why do I think Reloaded is gonna make 2X as much? Because of the following reasons:

1. The 1st Matrix was not anticipated as much as Reloaded is.

2. Reloaded is promising to be the biggest movie of the summer. Every where you look you see posters of it. Every channel has its TV Spot. Just about every movie has its Trailer. And Now Reloaded even has its own Drink! You know the powerade stuff. If having your own beverage isnt a sign of the most antisipated movie of the summer, then i dont know what is. (Do you think there gonna make a HULK drink?? Um... NO. but maybe a fruit snack )

3. Everyone is looking forward to seeing Reloaded. It doesnt matter if it rated R. Kids get into R rated movies anyways, it dont matter if there under 17. The theather always lets em in. And they even give them a student discount.

4. Dont say that there isnt an audience for it. Everyone over the age of 17 is its audience. And if you wana get technical read #3.


just like JAR JAR Binks in 1999