Not exactly a review:

Citizen Kane is an interesting movie. It's never my favourite, probably cos I have to study it in class. More likely cos I'm kinda shallow and already desensitised by numerous parodies, homages and rip-offs of its ground-breaking cinematic techniques at that time when I finally saw it in class. (To be honest I've never heard of it until Cinema Studies!)

It's frustrating cos you never really know what Rosebud stands for (and my tutor won't give it away - figuring it out's part of the assessment.) Then again the film is a fragment of Kane's life, never intended to provide the whole picture. (I don't think any movie can depict an event or a life as a whole picture anyway).

Like many other great films, it's the kind of movies that grows on you: If you do like it, you'll like it more the more you see it. But it's also like a hard-to-digest book. Say on a scale of 'difficult-to-digest movies', 1 being movies like Judge Dredd or Die Another Day and 10 being Tarkovsky's Solaris and Carl Dreyer's movies, I'll put Kane in 7.

And that's my two-cents worth.