Originally posted by sander.brons
dont think so...you have no idea how much preasure these guys have to live up too..everyone want something from them etc etc..
yeah right, everyone wants something from j-lo, what a poor little girl she must be.
well, in fact i do, i want her to stop acting and singing and live a happy life with her 1 billion $ butt and no media around her; i'm sick of her.
to me she's something like a media whore. she gets millions for those cheap little stories about her so called superstar life. she wears expensive clothes and jewelry but of course she is still "jenny from the block". who believes that stuff?
if she would care about the children growing up in poor areas she could easily spend millions of dollars on schools for them.
of course i don't know her personally, but to me this is arrogant. if i'm rich and still claim to be down to earth, i'd take off my expensive designer clothes and go back to the bronx to help in a kitchen for homeless people or something like that. but for her this social background is just a money making machine to show what she made out of herself.
before the two were together i actually liked ben affleck, but since he's together with that dumb j-lo, he lost much sympathy. i think all that media coverage surrounding them hurt his image very much, and now don't tell me they don't like that the media is always behind them. they earn their money with it, so they also have to live with the hype when they are going through a crisis.