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  1. #1
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    Prague, Czech Republic

    Exclamation Star Trek ... so, what did u think?

    I watched it yesterday. I´ve never ever seen any movies nor any episodes (well I saw one like three years ago and it was one of the oldest ones) of Star Trek, so I´m pretty much untouched - even tho I did know some characters, simply recognized them and had a great fun with the way Abrams introduced them.

    Anyhoo, to the movie: I wasnt disapointed and got exactly what I thought I will from trailers. Its action packed, dynamic, with lots of freakin lens flares (which I had a headache from), CGI action and surprisingly close-combat fights. And its freakin huge.

    I think this has great potential - well trekkies are gonna kill me now - to become something like starwars. I think SW is much better known in the world, but with new Star Trek, it could soon change - already I wish there will be at least a trilogy. That movie rocked. I wasnt shocked or something, but it just was a great fun to watch and Abrams did a great job setting a new space for sci-fi movies...
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  2. #2
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    Here's J.J.'s story about the stupid Lens Flares, he actually admits he went a little nuts!!!

    Source io9
    J.J. Abrams Admits Star Trek Lens Flares Are "Ridiculous"
    By Meredith Woerner, 5:01 PM on Mon Apr 27 2009, 42,722 views

    If you've seen a single second of Abrams' Star Trek you know the film is stuffed with audience blinding lens flashes. J.J. Abrams admitted he got a bit carried away, but explained why they're there.

    At the Star Trek press conference this weekend, J.J. Abrams addressed the press and when it was io9's turn, we asked him the one thing that had been plaguing us since the first shiny Trek clip was released:

    I'm curious to hear more about why you decided to use so many lens flares, and exactly when you decided to use them?

    [Smiles] I don't know what you're talking about. [Laughs] I'm kidding. I know what you're saying with the lens flares. It was one of those things... I wanted a visual system that felt unique. I know there are certain shots where even I watch and think, "Oh that's ridiculous, that was too many." But I love the idea that the future was so bright it couldn't be contained in the frame.

    The flares weren't just happening from on-camera light sources, they were happening off camera, and that was really the key to it. I want [to create] the sense that, just off camera, something spectacular is happening. There was always a sense of something, and also there is a really cool organic layer thats a quality of it. They were all done live, they weren't added later. There are something about those flares, especially in a movie that can potentially be very sterile and CG and overly controlled. There is something incredibly unpredictable and gorgeous about them. It is a really fun thing. Our DP would be off camera with this incredibly powerful flashlight aiming it at the lens. It became an art because different lenses required angles, and different proximity to the lens. Sometimes, when we were outside we'd use mirrors. Certain sizes were too big... literally, it was ridiculous. It was like another actor in the scene....

    We had two cameras, so sometimes we had two different spotlight operators. When there was atmosphere in the room, you had to be really careful because you could see the beams. So it was this ridiculous, added level of pain in the ***, but I love... [looking at] the final cut, [the flares] to me, were a fun additional touch that I think, while overdone, in some places, it feels like the future is that bright.

    I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.

  3. #3
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    Krakow, Poland
    But I love the idea that the future was so bright it couldn't be contained in the frame
    Yeah right... He should just admit that he uses them because they look super cool That would be more believable explanation

    And he already overused them in MI3... (helicopter chase sequence in particular). Not that I mind too much, he is obviously looking for his on visual style.

  4. #4
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    Holy crap

    OMG, I'm hearing reviews from people who likes this movie are mostly non-trekkers. But alot of people who have seen this movie today are saying that the movie is filled with plot holes. So many that they should make a sequel explaining what the heck happened. I'm guess I'll wait to see it some other way rather than spending my money now. Plus the lens flare might make me go blind. Thanks JJ Abram for saving me my money this weekend!

  5. #5
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    Mississauga, ON Canada
    Got my tickets for the IMAX showing tomorrow night. I'll post my thoughts afterward. I's scored a 96% on Rottentomatoes so far which is amazing.
    You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together.

  6. #6
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    Prague, Czech Republic
    i never really understood whats so atractive about imax screenings of movies that werent shot on imax or 70mm ... its just a freakin blow-up. Isnt visiting normal 35mm screening much better? Besides I really do think that watching this on such a huge screen is gonna make you blind for a while ...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by st39.6 View Post
    i never really understood whats so atractive about imax screenings of movies that werent shot on imax or 70mm ... its just a freakin blow-up. Isnt visiting normal 35mm screening much better? Besides I really do think that watching this on such a huge screen is gonna make you blind for a while ...
    and it is EXPENSIVE as heck. I'm sorry but no movie is worth seeing 50 times the size of a normal theater screen. When they start putting xxx movies on IMAX then I'll change my thinking.

  8. #8
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    I watched the movie tonight. As a long-time Trekkie who has followed all of the series (although is a particular fan of the original series), I probably should be offended that they have erased everything I know about Trek, and pretty much wiped TNG, DS9, and Voyager off the map. However, that was a fun movie, and I really enjoyed it.
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  9. #9
    j7wild Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by hlbimage View Post
    When they start putting xxx movies on IMAX then I'll change my thinking.
    hey I like the way you think!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by corfy View Post
    I watched the movie tonight. As a long-time Trekkie who has followed all of the series (although is a particular fan of the original series), I probably should be offended that they have erased everything I know about Trek, and pretty much wiped TNG, DS9, and Voyager off the map. However, that was a fun movie, and I really enjoyed it.
    I liked it too after finally given in and see it. Very cool action sequences. The story does worked it self out. I think people were not thinking hard enough to figure out the plot which is very simple. Nero go back in time 25 years ahead of old Spock through the wormhole because duh....wormhole does funny things to time when something go through it. Nero attacks Kelvin and wait 25 years for old Spock to arrive. Nero takes his ship and the red matter on board. Nero go to and destroys Vulcan. Old Spock is on that icy planet is because Nero left him there the same day he just arrive in the past which is why he hasn't travel to the nearest Federation base. Kirk happen to find him is because young Spock left him there. It is not due to coincident that they found each other. That icy planet is next to Vulcan. Nero left him there to witness it's destruction like he wanted him to. Young Spock just left Kirk on that icy planet due to pure chance. Nero on his way to Earth. Enterprise shows up to stop him. The end.

    It isn't that hard.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by hlbimage View Post
    and it is EXPENSIVE as heck.
    It's actually cheaper for me to see a film at IMAX in London than it is to see it at another west end cinema.

    It's £13 for an IMAX ticket and in other west end cinemas it goes from £19 - £12.

    Even outside of central London it's still £8 for a ticket not even that much cheaper.

    The last few things I've seen at IMAX are I am Legend, The Dark Knight and The Watchmen, all benefited from being seen on an IMAX screen.

    I'm seeing Star Trek tomorrow @ the IMAX so I'll come back and say what I thought

  12. #12
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    Watched the movie last night. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would probably give the movie a 7. I also noticed the large glaring plot holes (guess we'll have to wait for the deleted scenes on the DVD to see what's been taken out). I liked the character arc that Spock went through (I felt his character was one of the more interesting aspects of the movie!). One of the major things that bothered me (besides the lens flares from h***) was the music score!! Every time they had an interesting scene or highly emotional scene, the music would come blaring in from NOWHERE and took me out of the movie!!! I really wish they would have dialed the music down, or hired a composer who understood the finer qualities of scoring. Other than that, I felt it was a good movie and well worth going to see in theater.

  13. #13
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    Loved this movie. I even loved the music score. Michael Giacchino is one of my favorite composers. Abrams went overboard with the flares, but it never really distracted me. This movie was more Space Opera than any other Trek movie or TV series. That may be a plus or negative, depending on your opinion of Space Opera's. It was a plus for me. 9/10...a real solid beginning for a new take on Star Trek.
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  14. #14
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    Shoot I forgot. Levar Burton who played Jordi LaForge on TNG could have had a cameo in this movie because when old Spock is explaining to Kirk through mind meld in that ice cave how and why he came back in time. There were scenes of TNG time era when old Spock said "We outfitted our fastest ship" in order to aid Romulus. Well in the prequel comic it was LaForge who actually did the outfitting. Stupid Abram never does anything right.

  15. #15
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    Maybe the actor who played LaForge didn't want to do it. We don't know all the behind the scenes that went on.

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