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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Post The Evil Dead (2009)

    I found two days ago an entry on IMDb about a new version of the 1981 movie The Evil Dead, also by Sam Raimi, to be released on 2009. Check by yourselves:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Cool , I just hope they dont screw it up too much, being a fan I had heard about it somewhere but never followed up on it. Actually if I remember correctly it was a Bruce Campbell interview that I saw, and the interviewer was asking him if he knew how many more versions of the film would be released, to which he responded that there should'nt be any more, since all the available material had been exhausted, and there was nothing else they could add, but not to worry because Raimi was looking at re-making it.

    I would think that Bruce would at least have a cameo in this one, as with most of the Raimi films.

    I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    L.A.~ lower Alabama

    Here’s a little bit of movement on that remake of The Evil Dead that Panic Attack director Fede Alvarez will oversee. The movie is based on Sam Raimi‘s fan-favorite original 1981 film, with a script Alvarez co-wrote with Rodo Sayagues before Diablo Cody did a rewrite.

    Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions and FilmDistrict have partnered with Sam Raimi’s Ghost House Pictures to make a big deal to distribute the movie, with the bottom line being that Sony Pictures will distribute The Evil Dead in many countries, including the US.

    Variety has the new, saying that the film is set to shoot in 2012. Longtime Raimi producing partner Robert Tapert said,

    " For 30 years, Sam, Bruce and I have been looking for the right home where we could return the deadites to the big screen. Amy Pascal and Jeff Blake at Sony and Peter Schlessel at FilmDistrict have always been incredible partners who share our passion for great storytelling as well as our obsession for scaring the pants off the audience. Together, we are looking forward to terrorizing a whole new generation."

    We know that the story in this remake will not feature Ash, the iconic character played by Bruce Campbell in the three previous Evil Dead films. It will be a basic remake of the story from the ’81 Evil Dead, with friends going to a remote cabin where they are plagued by an accidentally unleashed demonic force. If you want a bit of potentially spoilerish description about the details of the plot that are specific to this version, you can check here. And Diablo Cody recently said the remake would be “unbelievably violent.” Take that for what it’s worth.

    The first actual cast member for the remake of Sam Raimi‘s The Evil Dead has been announced: Lily Collins, she of the starring role in Tarsem’s Hallmark Channel-looking Snow White film Mirror, Mirror. From what we know of this new version of Raimi’s story, it seems like Collins will be playing one of the most prominent characters, probably even the lead role. So, is Lily Collins the new Bruce Campbell?

    Bloody-Disgusting has the casting news, saying that Collins would be Mia. She’s one of a handful of friends who retreat to a remote cabin where, as in Sam Raimi’s original film, possessive evil forces are released to devil them.

    The film has been coming together for some time, with Fede Alvarez, director of the short Panic Attack, set to helm the film from a script he co-wrote with Rodo Sayagues before Diablo Cody did a rewrite.

  4. #4
    j7wild Guest
    remind me never to go to a cabin in the woods

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