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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    L.A.~ lower Alabama

    The Black Hole (Disney,remake)

    "Tron: Legacy" team mount a "Black Hole" remake

    Tue Dec 1, 2009 5:11am EST

    LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Disney is preparing another expedition into "The Black Hole."


    Joseph Kosinski and Sean Bailey, the director and producer of Disney's new "Tron: Legacy," and screenwriter Travis Beacham are teaming up for what is being labeled a reinvention of the 1979 sci-fi film, which at the time was the most expensive movie Disney had ever produced.

    The original followed a group of space explorers aboard the USS Palomino who come across a lost ship, the USS Cygnus, hovering outside a black hole. Inside the Cygnus, the explorers meet a scientist, commanding an army of faceless robots, who explains that his crew deserted him as he planned to go through the black hole. The explorers soon discover that the robots are the remnants of the former crew and that the scientist has no intention of letting them leave.

    The $26 million movie, which featured a menacing red robot named Maximilian and two smaller, friendlier robots, was Disney's first PG-rated production and helped put the company on the special-effects map.

    The details of the update are being kept secret, but it's known that the take will ground the story in the science of a black hole, much more so than in the original.The character Maximilian will return.

    "Hole" marks one of the first projects to be put into development by new studio chief Rich Ross.

    "Hole" puts Bailey, who is making "Hole" via his Idealogy banner, back on track after seeing his "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" project shelved by Ross shortly after the November reorganization at Disney.

    Kosinski is a commercial director making his feature debut with "Tron," which is set for release on December 17, 2010.

    Beacham came onto the screenwriting scene with "Killing on Carnival Row" and worked on the "Clash of the Titans" remake.

  2. #2
    j7wild Guest
    I hope this is a joke because the first one was cheesy and 'late'!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    As a child... I liked the first one ...

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