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You’ll want to go on a PayPal Spree after You’ve Seen These Casino Movies

Posted on May 31st, 2018

  Casino enthusiasts are well aware that although sometimes the risk is worth the reward, other times it is not. Plus, it’s not always possible for you to pick up your bags and fly away to the exciting pastures of Las Vegas and Reno, meaning that your options are, in some cases, limited. Unless, of […]

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The ultimate film memorabilia: a movie-themed garden

Posted on May 22nd, 2018

Here comes the summer and the turnover of blockbuster movies on our screens is so vast that it can be difficult to keep up. Every year, slateloads of new pictures are releases. As a cinephile, you engage, you enthuse, you laugh, cry, and cover your eyes. But then the film ends, the summer ends, you […]

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At the spin of a wheel the romance of roulette in the movies

Posted on May 5th, 2018

Love and luck are two of the most popular movie themes, and are ingredients that are more or less guaranteed to give any movie a fighting chance of box office success. Add the lure and mystique of a casino into the mix, and you could have all the makings of a blockbuster. There are movies […]

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