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The Future of Streaming Platforms

Posted on February 23rd, 2022

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We all loved cable TV back when we didn’t know any better. In the good old days, there were various movies and TV shows airing on different channels at different times. You’d know upfront when the movie would start, so you had time to prepare to watch it. 

Over time, people grew tired of cable TV due to extensive commercial breaks, annoying TV ads and increasingly high prices of cable services. Then a noble soul invented streaming platforms that saved us from cable TV. But then the streaming platforms grew too greedy. 

You now have limited access, geo-blocking and other inconveniences to deal with. You even need a complete guide to setting up a streaming VPN just so you can watch a movie or a TV show. With that in mind, let’s have a look at what the future holds for streaming platforms. 

First there was one

The first platform to officially offer its streaming services was Netflix. It was our saving grace from the evil cable and its horrible service. As Netflix grew more popular, other platforms, such as Hulu, HBO+, Apple TV, Amazon Prime and so on, started to emerge. 

Now we have dozens of platforms that withdrew their IP (Intellectual Property) from Netflix so that they can run their own shows and movies. 

Great, now we have to pay for a dozen different platforms if we want to watch our favorite content. Some even have ads you must pay to have removed. Is this cable TV in disguise? It must be because it sure looks like it. 

Inconveniences, lots and lots of inconveniences

If you were a streaming platform that wants customers all over the world, you’d make sure everyone can watch everything you have to offer for a fair price, right? Well, whoever is behind these platforms hasn’t thought of that yet. 

Sure, streaming platforms are available to almost anyone in the world but you have geo-blocking that prevents you from accessing everything. 

Moreover, you have to pay extra to unlock specific content. Oh and since these platforms are directly competing with each other, they tend to increase the price of their services while the service remains the same. Competitive pricing they call it. 

Closing Words

Sooner or later, people will get fed up with these corporate thinkers and start to boycott streaming platforms altogether. We can always watch movies in theaters. Even cable TV doesn’t sound so bad at this point.  What will happen to these platforms is unknown but their customers aren’t too happy about how things are developing further.

> Posted in General
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